Friday, February 09, 2007

A dusting of snow, and a touch of frost...

Yep. All I've got to write about is the weather!!! We had a nice light smattering of snow on Wednesday night, so I woke up to a white city on Thursday, which was lovely until I nearly went arse-over about 47 times on the way to work.... There's nothing attractive about sliding down Princes one's arse, is there? Thankfully that hasn't happened. Yet. Only a matter of time, I'm sure.

So I'm finishing up at the boring reception job today, only to move on to an equally boring reception job next week. Joy! I hope the people at the next place are as nice as they were here, although it is a law firm, so I guess that's not likely. This is the voice of experience speaking (apologies to my lawyer-type friends, but it's a fairly safe generalisation!!). Time will tell.

The good news is that I decided that I would make use of all this idle time today and bang out a few job applications. I sent out SEVEN!!! And better still, it has already resulted in me getting FOUR job interviews for next week! How wonderful. Admittedly, one of the interviews is through the agency I'm currently working for, but securing 3 interviews in one day all by myself is still pretty good. My consultant rang me today about the role for next week, and I told her that I had a bunch of interviews for next week so I needed to know what time my lunch hour will be..... Surprise surprise, suddenly she has a bright shiny job for me to interview for!!! I think she saw her big fat commission fading into the distance and promptly jumped to action. Hah!

Update is that the flat is going well, not that I've spent much time there seeing as I've been leaving for work at 7:20am and not getting home til around 7pm (and it's very dark at both those hours!!). Looking forward to actually being on my new turf in daylight hours on the weekend to do some exploring. Was planning on doing a course that is an introduction to Destiny Church here in Edinburgh, but it ran Friday night and all day Saturday, and I just need some time to myself to set up my new room and settle in. I'll do the next course.... Went to this church last Sunday and really loved it - actually even more friendly and welcoming than my old church in Canberra, which is really saying something!! Enjoyed the service and looking forward to going back on Sunday...... just not willing to give up my entire first weekend in my new Edinburgh flat!!!!

So, this weekend I'm planning to sniff out some second-hand furniture shops or charity shops and see if I can't find myself an ultra-cheap double bed for my new room. Also planning a bus trip to ASDA for cheap groceries, a cheap cd player and cheap work shirts!!! Cheap, cheap & ultra-cheap are the order of the day!!!!!!

OK. That's it. I'm so bored that I can't even type another word.

Posted by -MissJ- :: 4:10 pm :: , 1 Comments:

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